
Metal recycling

We handle scrap metals from the industry, from the dismantling of facilties and sell it for recycling in Greece and abroad.

Guidelines for Scrap Suppliers

AEIFOROS has set and follows strict principles and rules in procurement. Scrap and recyclable purchasing falls under a number of further limitations and detailed control of required licensing so that our staff as well as our business partners are protected and business sustainability and continuity according to ESG principles is ensured.

Would you intend to co-operate with us and supply scrap and waste material, you will be asked to share our business code of conduct and our zero-tolerance policy and carefully read all below documents. Co-operation with us is subject to your signing of our Supplier Code of Conduct before your first delivery and the submission of all required docs.

- AEIFOROS Business Code of Conduct
- Zero-Tolerance Policy
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Personal Data Protection Statement
- Documents to be provided by the Supplier